
Find out what it's like to work at CHK Mountford and search our latest vacancies.

The difference between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’ is that little bit ‘extra’.

Your attitude and willingness to learn are more important to us than your experience. Being able to listen and hear what our clients and customers have to say, to put their needs first and treating each and every one as an individual is what really counts. Whether a maintenance contractor, a tenant, a landlord, a buyer or a seller, they should all receive the polite, professional service for which CHK Mountford is renowned.

Creative, engaged, empowered and motivated people with a strong sense of purpose are the vital ingredient in helping us achieve our vision. We can only build market share because our people decide to do so. We will look after our people; we value your work and without you, we could not achieve what we are setting out to do. We will help you and give you the tools to become outstanding property professionals.

How do we do this?

We provide ongoing training and coaching. You will receive genuine feedback on your results and performance to help your continuous professional development.

Some of the courses available to you are:

  • Sales Skills
  • Property Matters
  • Time Management
  • Winning More Business
  • Negotiation Workshops
  • Managing Clients
  • Essential Management Series
  • Advanced Sales Service
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If you are interested in a career in property, please contact our Head of Recruitment, Laura Fletcher, on or 07799 061 743 to discuss the opportunities available at CHK Mountford.